Attention Blythe Park Volunteers!

Posted by admin on October 31, 2019 under Uncategorized | Comments are off for this article

District 96 is now using the Raptor Volunteer system to perform background checks on volunteers.

Before volunteering at a District 96 school campus or field trips, individuals must be cleared through the Raptor system and are required to provide a picture ID to receive their volunteer badge upon check-in. To become a volunteer, an individual must complete a Raptor Volunteer Application. The application is to be filled out completely by the volunteer at their home by visiting

The levels associated with each volunteer function are based on being under the direct supervision of District 96 staff.

  • A Level 1 volunteer is always under the supervision of District 96 staff and will be requested to complete an online application to complete a background check using the national sex offender database.
  • A Level 2 volunteer may not be under the direct supervision of District 96 staff and will be requested to complete an online application and submit their Social Security number to complete a criminal background check (including the National Criminal Database and national sex offender database).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Jason Smit at or 708.447.5007. Thank you for your understanding and support of enhancing school safety protocols in our school and district.

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